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If you are hoping for a complicated, jazzy, “cutting edge” formula for attracting high ticket clients in the next 7 days

I’m afraid you’ll be sorely disappointed with what you’re about to read. 

Because it is simple. Simple to do. A 4-year old babe can do this 

This simple formula for client getting requires zero cost. You don’t need a website or Facebook page or a portfolio. 

If you can copy and paste a few emails, you could potentially get clients using this method. But don’t be turned off by its simplicity. It’s just 3 steps. Like most things in life, it works because it is simple. 

Lastly, I must warn you of what is guaranteed to happen when you finish reading this short report. There will be a moment of excitement where you say, “I can totally do this!” (which you can). 

Following that your mind will start looking for reasons not to do it. Specifically, fear will attempt to take hold of you and give you 100 reasons why this won’t work for you in particular. 

Here’s a tip: 

If you want the results, you have to take actions. Therefore, the answer to the fear and excuses isn’t to look for some other bright and shiny object

Step 1. 

Write down a list of everyone you know. Everyone you can remember right now. Your friends. Colleagues. Class mates. Those you meet in the mosque or church. Acquaintances. Neighbors. Freelance clients  (past and present).Every damn person you know. Write them in a notepad. 

The more you list, the more likely you are to win this thing (and trust me, this is a game you want to win). 

Step 2. Email, call, text, or send via whatsapp the following message (edit it to reflect your skills or what you offer): 

Dear [NAME], 


You may or may not know this about me, but I’m trying to start a new Freelancing business. I help people [INSERT WHAT YOU HELP PEOPLE DO]. 

I was wondering if you know of ANYONE who I might be able to talk to about helping [INSERT WHAT YOU HELP PEOPLE DO]. 

I’m trying to get a bunch of success stories under my belt as soon as possible, so if you know anyone who would like to be one of my success stories I’d be grateful for your help



If you are an experienced freelancer, send this: 

Dear [NAME],


I’ve been issued a strong challenge from this online community I’m a part of to grow my Freelancing business. I was wondering if you know of ANYONE who I might be able to talk to about helping [INSERT 


I’m trying to get a bunch success stories under my belt as soon as possible so I can win this really cool prize, so if you know anyone who would like to be one of my success stories I’d be grateful for your help!



Step 3. When people start contacting you, help them and turn them into clients.

This is the key. 

Notice that I didn’t say: 

“When people start contacting you, sell them something.” 


The first step is to help. 

Here’s how: 

When they email you and say, “Actually, yes! I do need some help. When can we talk?” 

You say, “Whenever is best for you. I’m just excited to have a chance to see how I might be able to help you.” 

On the call, or in back and forth emails, or via through text, remember this: 

Your job isn’t to sell right now

Your job is to help them. 

Ask them questions. Offer to help for FREE

Get them talking about themselves, about what is bothering them. Offer solutions without ulterior motive. When it’s time, you’ll know it. 

They’ll say, “Can you help me with this?” 

And you’ll say, “I can do this.” 

That’s it. 

That’s the whole process. 

Do this every day for the next 5 days.

Try and email everyone on your list on day 1. 


Because by day two you’ll have another full list of people your original list thinks you should  contact. 

Make new lists of people every day. Send new messages. 

Every single day for the next 7 days.

It’s that simple.



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